About Me

Why so hard to get blessed ?


What happen to me ?!

In the middle of the night , I lying at my bed writing this blog and keep asking myself a same question : What happen to me ?!

I easy to feel emo & stress recently , i may know the reason . But deep inside my heart , seem like got another part of myself told me that not just only those surface problem ! But... what is another problem i worried about ? I keep asking myself since few days ago , but another part of myself still don't want give me answer . I have no choice , beside keep thinking i really have no idea what else i can do anymore !!!

That may is the one of the reason cause me emo . Some times when i was emo , i will lazy to open my mouth & talk . Then my family will think that is my attitude problem & keep complain . I didn't help myself defend , because i know no matter what i tell them , they just will think i making excuse !

Feel lost...

Lost direction...

But now some one holding my hand & bring me to a direction which i suppose to be . Yes , is him , my lover - kean ~

He always beside me when i need him . Dun say other things , just say 2day . When he know that i almost faint 2day , he quickly call me to ask about it . I know he cares about me . Some times what he does make me touched , but i just didn't show it out . No matter how , i really want to thanks him a lot . Without him , i may still emo at this moment ( I'm still emo now , but less then just now ) .

Anyway , i hope my mood will quickly go back to normal & enjoy my life ( even though my life don't have any thing that i can enjoy , except for few things... )

Well , day is getting late . I think i should went to sleep now . If not , my dear will dislike ...

Nite nite & sweet dreamz yaa ~

