About Me

Why so hard to get blessed ?


Many things to say , Many things to tell ~

Well , it been so long didn't write blog . And it is the time for me to update a new post ^^
Just finish my 40days ( 8 weeks ) industry training .
Well , i have to admit that at first i doesn't really like the office style , every day just sit in front of the computer , after lunch sit again , ewww~ it will makes people easy get fat !
But lucky my weight didn't high a lot , just get up few hundred gram ( thx god ) , but i think it may because the last few week i didn't go for lunch ???

Well , just finish jogging with dear . Accidently meet some people that i know =(
Feel like old lady because of i didn't run at all , just walk around the garden . At half way , i started feel dizziness , maybe i should always exercise ?
When we run a while , i realize that the look that he exercise is so damn attractive ^^
Oh man , my dear was so handsome ^^

After that the weather change to heavy rain , he can't see the road so he decide stop by my house and have a short break .
Funny things come , my mom started nag him bout me , just like always she did !
I don't know i should feel funny or sorry for him ~

Erm... i think around this two days i going to shopping buy stuff with dear , because MEGA SALE IS BACK !
How can i miss it ? Am i right ?
Ok , that's all for today . After few days i will upload again , please support yaa ~
Kaka... bye - bye...

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