About Me

Why so hard to get blessed ?


Catch up the plan…

November is getting over…

After finish my diploma show case, I take less than a week to find a part time job. Then I work a month to earn money… What else next ?

Well…since September 19 until now I was so free and holiday-ing. But trust me, this is out of my plan…

My original plan : September – work, October – holiday, November – work…

But now : September – work, October – holiday, November – holiday while starting find job…

Gosh, no way!!! I should find job as soon as possible, I have to catch up the plan!!!

Honestly, I was afraid… because I don’t think I know much enough at this level, if no one hire me then really OMG… ( I think I will say that too if I continue my degree )

God bless please…

Wish me good luck please…

