About Me

Why so hard to get blessed ?


My Treasure Box

When talk about treasure box , I believe what cross on everyone mind is a big box full of lots of gold , diamonds , pearls , maybe pride ship with a map ? Or Aladdin magic lamp ? Perhaps ?

Well , it wasn’t a secret , I have a treasure box too ! Yes ! I have a treasure box too !!!

Don’t believe ? Keep reading then you will know why I say that !

My treasure box doesn’t big , but is big enough to put the things I want . Although sometimes I want this one , that one , but this time I only want 2 things in my treasure box , which is my family and him …

They are priceless , can’t use money to value they price , because they are NOT FOR SALE !!! They just like a big compass in my life , give me the direction show me the right way to go … I thanks them a lots , seriously I mean it ! But I want specially thanks him walk into my life , my life totally change since I meet him . Words can’t describe how thankful I am , only god knows …

What I learn from him not only how to love a person , but is how to make your partner feel the joy of the life and the joy when he with you . He show me how beautiful the world is , although I can’t see the place which thousand miles from here … Thinking of my little treasure again … Guessing he is sleeping at his small little cute bed … I guess he and my family is the treasure that makes me everyday think of it , care of it and love of it …

Everyone also have a treasure box in their heart , it can be people , pets , work , dreams , money and many more … If you still looking for something to be your treasure that can’t share your story , can’t accompany you to walk through your life , why don’t you choose a person that can you share everything with it ? Believe your heart , appreciate the treasure box that inside your heart , because you will find the special thing inside there and the joy that they bring …

