About Me

Why so hard to get blessed ?



这次的 emo 在我体内产生了荷尔蒙变化,不再是生气的感觉而是想痛痛快快流泪。


Mini model~ You make me can't sleep~

Good morning every one~
Now is 5.36 am in Malaysia .
I guess some of you wondering ask why i wake up so early to write blog ?
Hehe... Actually i just take a nap about 4 hour then continue do my model .

Listening Korean music , feel clam ~
Don't know why this time i didn't feel boring when i doing my model .
Just now was chatting with dear meanwhile doing my model , but now he go sleep already .
Actually i also miss my bed so much~
I can't forgot the moment that i leave it just now~
It make me feel that it begging me don't leave him~
Hehe... I think too much already...

Wao~ Take a look at out side now is raining .
Sleeping is the best thing that should do during raining~
Wish i could sleep now~

Suddenly hungry...
Left 2++more weeks before semester break , but the assignment keep coming like tsunami !!!
Haiz... Fell like can't take it anymore~
Everyday rush , rush , rush !!!
Look around me , still got a lots of mini model haven't finish ( I love mini model , sounds cute , looks cute and save cost )

Still got many assignment haven't do yet ( T . T )
I have no idea what i talking about now .
Because my eyes started "fishing" ~
But can't sleep , have to keep do my mini model .
Gonna go now , "see" you guys soon~


Watting the "SWEET ESCAPE"

Is time to update a new post...
Just wake up from dream , whole body now is damn tired .
Yesterday around 5 just sleep , I gonna say I so long didn't be that industrious !
Come on , Saturday I will do assignment ?!
That wasn't my style !!!
But i have no choice , assignment is damn lots and it keeps coming and coming...
I can feel that i can't breath well...
Stress is around me...

Other thing to say , i can feel that i totally crazy recently .
My mood also keep going up and down .
I can smile for nothing also can angry for no big deal reason .
But i can sure that wasn't emo , but is I'm crazy already !!!

Really lazy to do assignment .
Everyday assignment , assignment , assignment ....
Haiz... Really miss holiday so much !
Stay at home do nothing , hang out with friends , do whatever i like...
Even though some times is boring but the life style is free~
Now... I just wait the holiday brings me "sweet escape" ~
Hehe ^^