About Me

Why so hard to get blessed ?


I'm imperfect

No one is perfect, so as you and so as I.
I know some times what I request is a bit over, but I'm who I'm.
I don't want to say some thing that wasn't what I want, I don't want do a thing that wasn't what I wish to.
You should know, I'm always who I am when I will you compare to others.
Front of others, I can't 100% say that is me.
But front of you, when i with you, I can say 100% that is me.
A real me, and you're the only one who can see the real of me, even my family also can't compare with you.
Do you know what I mean?
I'm sorry if my imperfect or my request is annoying you, but at the end I got to say you still have to do it.
Because it is a promise...

